Knowing your credit history is also important, as almost every landlord these days will be doing their homework, and checking your credit score prior to giving the OK to accept your application. Credit scores generally range from 300-850, and according to Zillow, a score of 550-580 should be sufficient for a first time renter with a decent income. You can actually go online and check your credit score for free through the Federal government once a year, and you’ll want to do so before searching for an apartment so you can keep that in mind. You should also dress presentable when meeting with a potential landlord to view an apartment (remember while it may feel like you’re interviewing them for finding the right home for you, their actually interviewing you to make sure you’re the perfect fit to work with their company, and the building’s tenants too!). Be on time, and dress business casual, or dressy casual will do the trick, as the first impression on how you appear, and present yourself during this initial meeting is crucial to setting yourself apart from the rest. For other tips, and things you can do to give yourself a head-start in the rental world, visit Zillow’s Blog.
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