There are several factors that come into play when owners,
landlords, and housing boards decide how much to rent a particular space
for. In Seattle it can be assumed that since inventory is low, the cost
of rent is rising and will continue to do so for the next few years.
Seattle Transit Blog
has an interesting take on how your rental price is determined, and why
that price was decided maybe even before your apartment was built!
According to Seattle Transit, construction costs, and debt
accumulated are taken into consideration, as well as what the market
will hold when determining the set rent. They suggest that the cost of
rent is decided before the unit is finished being built. There is a
supply and demand factor in the housing price decision. If inventory is
low, rent is high, but if there is a surge in construction maybe the
quality of housing will decrease and renters will wind up eating extra
costs. Seattle Transit suggests that if all goes well in the
construction process, and attracts prospective tenants, we should be
seeing an increase in supply and lower costs in housing production. Read
full story
to gain a better understand of all the bells and whistles that come
into play when deciding that final rental rate. Understanding that there
are many factors at hand and wrapping your head around what those
factors are should open the flood gates for new ideas to cut costs for
renters and builders alike.